Most people, especially women, discard weight lifting as a good form of exercise because they think that weight lifting will actually make their bodies look like a man.  If you are one of those people, then you might be surprised to know that this is not true.  The hormones of man and woman are not the same.  The hormone testosterone plays a major role in muscular development. Because women have very little of this hormone, they tend not to "bulk-up" with weight training.   

Researches also demonstrate that resistance exercise, also called strength training, like weight training and weight lifting, has profound effects on the musculoskeletal system, contributes to the maintenance of functional abilities, and prevents osteoporosis, sarcopenia (loss of body mass), lower-back pain, and other disabilities. 

Weight lifting also contributes to muscle conditioning.  Muscle conditioning is important for the overall stability and strength of the body. It is beneficial until the end of life if well maintained.  Muscle conditioning is good for the bones because bones grow stronger and denser with stresses put on the muscles around them.

Moreover, weight lifting makes the muscles, connective tissues and tendons stronger.

The way you sit and stand are influenced by the health of a network of neck, shoulder, back, hip and abdominal muscles.  Stronger muscles can help you stand and sit straighter and more comfortably.  You may notice improved balance and stability.

As you begin to notice the positive physical changes in your body and develop a regular exercise routine, your ability to handle stress effectively will improve. Weight training allows you to sleep better, i.e., fall asleep quicker and sleep deeper.  Clinical studies have shown regular exercise to be one of the three best tools for effective stress management.

Weight lifting, like most forms of exercise also raises metabolism thus causing the body to burn more calories.  This helps in the maintenance of our desirable weight. Boosted metabolism (which means burning more calories when at rest) with reduced body fat.  Your overall weight may not change, but you will gain muscle and lose fat. Over time you should notice decreases in waist measurements and body fat measurement. 

Remember the adage “something is better than nothing.”  Start improving your health.  A little start like lifting those grocery bags and rocking your baby to sleep may mean a decrease on your risk of muscle loss on later years.

Consult with your doctor if you want to make weight lifting a daily part of your fitness regimen. 

Sugar seems to be addictive to a certain degree. The human body learns fast that sugar means energy and that a lot of energy running through the system translates into a good overall mood. Unfortunately, the good mood lasts just as long as the amount of sugar in your blood stays above a certain level.

 Once the amount of sugar drops below that particular level, the mood changes and the body starts craving the next sugar fix that will make everything look good once more. In this respect, sugar seems to operate just like any other psychoactive substance or like adrenaline. You can learn to get high on all these substances.

The Sugar Addicts’ Diet focuses on breaking the addiction to sugar in order to prevent the mood swings that prompt the addict to reach out for one more sugary treat. These mood swings are hard to resist and the promise of the next fix is so tempting that many people have no idea they’re hooked on something that is not healthy. Truth be known, most addicts don’t want to face reality and understand the truth about their addiction and many people hooked on sugar or adrenalin have absolutely no idea that they’re using a substance to prop up their moods.

This diet is largely based on the Glycemic Index approach because its purpose is to weed out the sugary foods and replace them with foods belonging to a lower Glycemic Index that release their sugar content slowly into the bloodstream and do not trigger the rush. The basic idea is to identify hidden sugar in the foods you eat. Many people don’t know that it’s not just sweets or soft drinks that contain sugar, but also a lot of sauces, dips, yogurts and ready-to-eat foods have enough sugar in them to cause the mood swings.

It’s pretty easy to figure that this diet is more of a lifestyle choice than a proper diet. Of course you will lose weight by avoiding the foods rich in sugar, but we cannot be sure if this is the best way to go for a committed user. If you want to lose a certain number of pounds in a certain number of weeks, then you’re probably better off choosing another eating plan because nobody knows how fast you can lose weight under this one. Still, as a long-term maintenance solution, this eating plan is a good idea, especially for those who are used to eating a lot of sweets and are afraid that all those lost pounds will come back.

Losing weight is usually associated with not eating very much and being constantly hungry all the time, which is why so many people are so loathed to do it and if they do give it a go, understandably they usually fail.  The trick is not to assume that to lose weight you have to starve and be hungry. You do not actually have to eat less food to lose weight but more change what kind of food you are eating.

By eating when you feel hungry, it will reduce the need to eat more between meals. So if you are literally starving yourself you are likely to end up putting on more weight. It is far better to eat consistently but smaller amounts, for example 5-6 small meals a day as opposed to 3 very large meals. The secret is not to wait too long between meals so that there is no temptation to snack which will undo all your hard work.

Most people snack because they are hungry; they have not eaten enough or have not eaten anything so before lunchtime they find themselves snacking. Never skip breakfast, this will mean you will eat a large lunch and by skipping meals, your body’s metabolism slows down and does the opposite of what you expect and holds onto the calories instead of burning them off. Eating little and often is also good for people who get a slump in the afternoon where they feel very lethargic, this is due to a drop in sugar levels due to not eating enough. Eating small meals or eating healthy snacks between meals will stabilise your blood sugar and ensure you do not get that uncontrollable tiredness in the middle of the afternoon so you won’t be reaching for the energy drink or chocolate bar for a boost of energy.

Eating slower is another way to ensure you do not over eat but you eat enough to feel satisfied. It takes about 20 minutes for the body to realise it is full so if you eat too quickly, the body will take longer to realise it is full up and obviously by that time you have eaten too much and it is too late. So by eating more slowly, the brain will send signals that you should stop eating just in time.

So as you can see, there really is no need to be hungry to lose weight; you are far more likely to keep the weight off if you eat sensibly and regularly.  Eating less food can sometimes be detrimental to weight loss not to mention your health. A varied, balanced diet coupled with exercise and a bit of determination and willpower will ensure that you lose weight.

The 4 Diet Myths
The most common misconceptions when dieting is to think we need to eat exclusive food groups in order to lose weight. All this really does is deprive us from the essential vitamins and minerals our body need to function. Everyone wants a strong, fit and healthy body and this is only achieved from a well -rounded, well balanced diet.  Here we expel a few common myths when it comes to losing weight.

Myth 1:
We should only eat certain food groups.

Wrong. Many diets, crash diets in particular will advise cutting out particular food groups or only eating food from one food group. Our bodies cannot run on one kind type of food, we need a well- balanced, varied diet in order to stay healthy. We need a bit of fat, a bit of protein, vegetables, plenty of water, some carbohydrates and fibre. Even some of the so-called ‘bad’ foods our body will require some of those, if only in moderation but nothing should be cut out completely.  Fruits, grains, nuts and seeds are also essential for a strong immune system which will ward of illness and keep you healthy.

Myth 2:
You can only get protein from meat.

This is not true. Fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, legumes and oils all contain protein. Meat is actually high in fat and sodium, particularly red meats which if eaten excessively is not good for cholesterol levels. While it does contain protein; not as much as originally thought. Grains, oils, legumes and nuts actually contain more. Our body needs about 30 grams of protein a day so as you can see, you do not have to eat nothing but meat to get your daily quota.

Myth 3:
To lose weight, cut out the fat.

Our bodies actually need some fat to function properly; it allows the muscles and joints to work smoothly.  What you need to steer clear of are hydrogenated fats, good nutritious health giving fats consist of avocados, olive oil and raw nuts.

Myth 4:
You have to go without to lose weight.

Women on average should not consume any fewer calories than 1,200 a day and men generally should eat no less than 1,800 calories a day. Instead of snacking on high fat, high sugar foods, if you literally ate as much fruit and vegetables as you could manage, you would not only be satisfied and not hungry but it will have no bearing on your weight. The best way to lose weight is to eat foods as naturally as you can, with no added sugar or preservatives and cut out the unnecessary fats and simply eat what your body requires and no more, you will lose weight, stay healthy and live longer.
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Your child must lose…to win!

Do you know that more than 17% American children and adolescents suffer from childhood obesity? In fact, the problem of obesity or abnormally high weight is continuously rising among children. This has resulted in a growing concern for both health care providers and the parents. What is even more alarming is that not many people are fully aware of the consequences of this problem. The complications which may arise due to uncontrolled obesity include diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis, and reduced mobility and life expectancy.

For the same reason, it is vital for the parents to address the issue as early as possible as, after all, prevention is better than cure. Read on to discover some simple, easy and cost-effective measures to deal with the condition.

So, what makes your kid fat?

Your child’s body gets the energy it needs from the food he / she eats (Input). This energy is used to perform physical activity (Output). The unused energy is stored in the body is stored as fat. Therefore if, for some reason, this input is more than the output, it will cause your kid to become fat or obese.

What are the risk factors?

Some common factors that may cause your child to become overweight or obese include:

Food preferences: Foods rich in fat and sugar
Lack of physical activity: Sedentary lifestyle

Family history: If parents are obese, children have more chances of being over weight

What you can do?

Remember, being closer than anyone, parents have the main influence on the diet and life style pattern of their children. Therefore, simple measures and easy tactics in the home can have a significant impact on reducing your child’s overweight or obesity. It is always better to address the problem as early as possible as most overweight children become overweight adults as well.

Following recommended measures are of utmost importance in managing the overweight or obesity of your child.

Enhancement in physical activity

TV viewing should be limited to no more than 2 hours per day, discourage TV in kid’s room.

Plan and execute activities that kids and family view as fun. Walking the dog is great daily exercise that also teaches children about having the extra responsibility of something in their care.

Develop plan for increasing activities, such as family outings to parks. Alternatively, you can suggest indoor activities such as dancing or jumping rope. Children also love to play games like skipping, hide and seek, hopscotch and tag.

Suggest gifts/rewards that promote physical activity, such as active games, music CDs, or DVDs. With a little incentive you could get the kids doing chores like sweeping the yard, cleaning the family car or even weeding the garden.

It is, however, important to remember that when you child is involved in long exercises; they should include a gradual warming up and cooling down periods. Examples of warming up exercises are brisk walking or jogging on the spot. Similarly, when cooling down, stretching exercises help to restore the muscles resting length.

Improvement in eating habits

You should choose a balanced diet for your child, essentially representing the major food groups of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It should also include dairy products, fish, meat and poultry.

Look for unhealthy dietary habits. Limit fast foods or providing lower fat alternatives, eliminating soft drinks or switching to low calorie drinks, changing to 2% or skimmed milk, substituting low-calorie, high-fiber snacks (low-fat popcorn, fruits, or vegetables) for the high calorie ones.

Never let your kid skip his / her breakfast.  However, you should limit your kid’s daily food consumption to frequent small meals instead of a fewer large meals. A difference of three hours between two meals is mostly recommended, constructing 4 to 5 small meals each day.

In short, if managed early and properly, childhood obesity can be successfully controlled. Necessary measures, if taken early by the parents, can change the outcome for obese children or even prevent it happening in the first place. However, such change should be gradual and parents must plan for small, single changes at a time.